Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday June 18th-Sunday June 19th

We rose at a leisurely hour Saturday morning to allow enough time for everyone to adjust their sleep schedule and catch-up from what was lost during travel. After a late breakfast we had a team devotional and many of us briefly shared about what God was speaking to us (each morning before the day gets started we are doing a short devotional time in the Scriptures led by a different team member each day and in the evenings we are studying through a short study about Father's heart for the nations). After our devotional we set out for two outreaches at homeless/crisis shelters.

We arrived in downtown Montego Bay at Open Heart's Charitable Mission around 11:30am and spent sometime hanging out with people who began to gather for the meal we were serving. These were Jesus' people, in need of hope. Suddenly, after we had started some conversations we were instructed to load back in the van and were off to another similar mission, though we would come back later. We drove about 10 minutes away to the Bridge of Hope Center, that housed around 30 or so people in crisis circumstances, many of which had mental disabilities. All the residents gathered outside and Lee led out in some worship songs and Ryan shared a brief devotion from the beatitudes. Then we spent a while just talking with the residents and loving them with out attention and listening ears. 

We said goodbye and headed back to the Open Heart's Charitable Mission and began to lead a similar time with some worship and a short devotional time. This time we actually served them some chicken and rice with some cabbage and spent time in and around the mission engaging with people. One woman, sitting across from the mission on the street, told Kendra, "something is pouring out of that place [the mission]," so she sent her daughter, 8, over to see 
what was happening. The Love of God came in that place, and many people received the truth that they are loved and not alone. Please continue to pray for communication. Many of us had difficulty in understanding those we were speaking with. 

Sunday we geared up for church and headed out in our Sunday best, dresses for girls and nice pants and collared shirts for! We loaded in the van and drove downtown to a church called "Sold Out." It was somewhat charismatic in nature and very loud with... exuberant, shall we say, worship–lots of clapping anyway. It was a short service weighing in at about 3 hours. Afterwards, we took a half day at the beach. Incredible beauty unfolded before our eyes: the blue-green water, the majestic clouds and even some snorkeling, almost hard to believe we were there.

Well, we rise bright and early tomorrow to set out to begin building the house for Paula though the Homes of Hope program. We surveyed the property the house will be built on Saturday. It's probably only about 10-12 miles from the base we are staying at but it takes 45 min-1 hr to drive there because of the poor roads. It's out in the bush, which increases the adventure all the more. 

Taryn praying with a woman named Rose, 49 and mother
of 10, in a very difficult situation at the Open Hearts
Charitable Mission.
Jorden being his welcoming and gentle self, at the Bridge
of Hope Center, and loving everyone.

The team at the base dressed for church and ready to go.


  1. So GOOD to get an update and hear ALL that God is ALREADY doing in and through you all an it's only been 3 days! Love you family and will continue to pray everyday :)

  2. So proud of you my daughter Meranda! I will be thinking about you and praying for you and the team every day.
    I love you, mommy.

  3. Thanks for the updates! Sounds like God is using the team in powerful ways. Love and miss you Kendra =)

  4. Thank you by way of this blog for letting us know how your hearts are being used in Jamaica I just loved the visual as well I feel blessed to know that you are working for the LORD as well as the people there Praying always take care and GOD bless you all! Please let Briana know her father and I love her and wish her a Happy Birthday on the 23rd!
